The Safety Manager will be responsible for developing and implementing safety policies and procedures in the workplace. They will also be responsible for conducting safety audits and investigations, as well as providing training to employees on safety procedures. Additionally, the Safety Manager will work with other departments to ensure that all safety regulations are being followed.

Safety Manager Job Responsibilities

  • Develop and implement safety policies and procedures
  • Conduct risk assessments and identify potential hazards
  • Implement measures to control risks and eliminate hazards
  • Investigate accidents and incidents, determine root causes, and recommend corrective actions
  • Train employees on safety policies and procedures
  • Monitor compliance with safety regulations


  • To ensure the safety and health of employees by identifying and eliminating workplace hazards.
  • To develop and implement safety policies and procedures to reduce or eliminate accidents and injuries.
  • To investigate accidents and incidents, determine root causes, and recommend corrective actions to prevent recurrences.
  • To provide training on safety topics such as hazard identification and control, accident prevention, and emergency response procedures.
  • To monitor compliance with safety regulations, standards, and laws, and take disciplinary action when violations occur.
  • To audit work areas for hazards; conduct regular inspections of equipment, machinery, and work practices; identify potential hazards; recommend corrective actions; track progress towards hazard elimination goals; maintain records of findings/corrective actions taken/progress made

Safety Manager Job Skills & Qualifications Needed

  • The safety manager should have a degree in occupational safety and health or a related field, as well as experience working in the safety field. They should be familiar with OSHA regulations and have strong communication and organizational skills.