An ocularist is a specialist who fits, designs and paints custom-made ocular prosthetics for people who have lost an eye or eyes due to injury or disease. Ocularists use their knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the eye socket to create a natural-looking artificial eye that matches the patient’s healthy eye in size, shape and color. They also work with patients to ensure that the prosthesis is comfortable and functions well.

Ocularist Job Responsibilities

  • Examine patients' eyes to determine the cause of vision problems
  • Fit and adjust prosthetic eyes
  • Teach patients how to care for their artificial eyes
  • Keep records of patients' medical histories
  • Consult with other healthcare professionals to plan treatment for patients


  • To provide highquality ocular prosthetics to patients who have lost their eyesight.
  • To work closely with patients to ensure that their ocular prosthetic fits well and meets their needs.
  • To educate patients on how to care for their ocular prosthetic and maintain its appearance.
  • To keep up with new developments in ocular prosthetics technology and materials in order to provide the best possible care for patients.

Ocularist Job Skills & Qualifications Needed

  • Some ocularists may have a degree in art, while others may have a degree in medical science or prosthetics. However, the most important qualification for an ocularist is experience. Ocularists must be able to create customfitted artificial eyes that match each patient's individual needs. They must also be skilled in the use of various tools and techniques, such as sculpting, molding, and painting.