The role of a Conciliator is to provide support to individuals who are experiencing conflict in their lives. The Conciliator will work with both parties involved in the conflict to help them find a resolution. This may involve mediating between the two parties, providing counselling and support, and giving advice on how to move forward. The Conciliator will also keep confidential records of all conversations and meetings that take place.

Conciliator Job Responsibilities

  • Communicate with parties involved in conflict to help them reach resolution
  • Act as a neutral third party during mediation sessions
  • Facilitate communication and understanding between parties
  • Help parties identify areas of agreement and areas of disagreement
  • Explore potential solutions with parties
  • Draft resolutions or agreements for parties to sign


  • To bring together two or more parties who are in dispute and help them reach an agreement
  • To mediate between two or more parties in order to resolve a conflict
  • To act as a gobetween for two or more parties in order to facilitate communication and understanding
  • To negotiate on behalf of one party in order to reach an agreement with another party
  • To arbitrate between two or more parties in order to resolve a dispute

Conciliator Job Skills & Qualifications Needed

  • A bachelor's degree in conflict resolution, sociology, psychology, or a related field
  • Knowledge of mediation and arbitration techniques
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills
  • Ability to remain impartial and objective
  • Strong interpersonal skills