Probation Officer Job Description Template

The job of a Probation Officer is to provide support and guidance to offenders who have been sentenced by the court. They work with the offender to help them rehabilitate and reintegrate into society. Probation Officers work with offenders to create individualised rehabilitation programmes. They monitor offenders’ progress, provide support and advice, and report back to the court on their progress. They also liaise with other agencies involved in supporting the offender, such as housing providers, mental health services, and drug and alcohol services.

Probation Officer Job Responsibilities

  • Conduct interviews with probationers to assess their progress
  • Prepare reports on probationers' progress for courts and judges
  • Maintain contact with probationers' family members, employers, and other important people in their lives
  • Provide support and guidance to probationers as they work to turn their lives around
  • Help connect probationers with resources like job training, substance abuse treatment, and housing assistance
  • Enforce the conditions of probation, including meeting regularly with a probation officer, obeying all laws, and completing any required programs or community service


  • To provide probation and aftercare services to offenders in the community, in order to reduce reoffending and promote rehabilitation.
  • To work closely with other agencies involved in the criminal justice system, including the police, courts and prisons, in order to effectively manage offenders on probation.
  • To undertake risk assessments of offenders and develop appropriate supervision plans to protect the public and reduce the risk of reoffending.
  • To monitor offenders’ progress on probation and take appropriate action if they breach the conditions of their sentence or are deemed to be at risk of reoffending.
  • To provide support and advice to offenders’ families and significant others, where appropriate, in order to help them cope with the offender’s sentence and encourage positive behaviour change.

Probation Officer Job Skills & Qualifications Needed

  • Probation officers need strong communication and interpersonal skills. They must be able to build trust with the people they work with and maintain confidentiality. Probation officers also need good organizational, problemsolving, and decision-making skills. A bachelor’s degree in social work, sociology, psychology, or a related field is typically required for this position. Some states also require probation officers to complete a period of on-the-job training before they can become certified.